Research Core Facility
An institution specialized in health-care, like the AbdulMohsen AbdulRazzaq Health Sciences Centre (HSC) at Kuwait University, must value advanced research as a basic foundation to fulfill its objectives of teaching, training and community services. To successfully achieve these noble goals, three major issues must be addressed, which include, 1. Suitably qualified and motivated manpower. 2. The quality infrastructure, as evidenced from the availability of state-of-the-art equipment and resources, to encourage innovative research, and 3. A proficient administrative hierarchy, which encourages independent and original thinking and facilitates the work of researchers by establishing a progressive and forward looking support system. Towards the implementation of the above ideas and goals at HSC, the Research Sector (RS) at the Office of Vice President for Research, Kuwait University, has generously supported the establishment and functioning of the Research Core Facility (RCF), through the General Facility Grant SRUL 02/13 and GM01/15 to serve primarily the needs of the five Faculties (Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Allied Health and Public Health), under the dynamic leadership of their Vice Deans of Research.
The OMICSRU-RCF at HSC houses most-modern and state-of-the-art equipment required for cutting edge research in health sciences, and suitably qualified manpower, all of which are generously supported by RS. All these human and material resources are oriented to achieve the highest quality of scientific research output, as well as to provide services for the community (in terms of teaching and training) in the field of human health. With the RCF, the administrators at the five Faculties of HSC have taken a brilliant decision towards extending state-of-the-art equipment to the health-related research community through the creation of centralized laboratories that house sophisticated and ultra-sensitive instruments and equipment to accomplish high quality research. The RCF thus marks the culmination of HSC's relentless efforts in spatial adjustments, equipment acquisition and technical empowerment to offer best of the facilities, resources and services to increasingly complex and specialized demands for macro/micro-analysis and in depth studies, particularly in the fields of Proteomics, Genomics and other areas of Molecular and Cell Biology. The details of all the equipment available at RCF can be accessed by logging on to the website:
The conceptual basis for RCF revolves around the optimum utilization of these resources by the academic and research staff/students of various Faculties and Departments at HSC, and other health-related institutions, to accomplish the goal of excellence in research by drawing advantage from its technological knowhow. I earnestly hope that you will visit the RCF soon and explore the possibility of using its resources to advance your own academic interests and the interests of HSC and Kuwait University, Kuwait.
Prof. Rajaa Al- Attiyah Vice Dean for Research and Postgraduate Studies
Faculty of Medicine
Kuwait University

RCF Building