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The overall mission of the department is:

  1. To equip the student with the basic cognitive knowledge as well as psychomotor and affective skills related to the practice of obstetrics and gynaecology.
  2. To sharpen the communication skills of the students to be able to confidently evaluate the obstetrical and gynaecological problems with the patients concerned under the supervision of senior or junior colleagues.
  3. To support and encourage excellence in professional competence of academic staff through an effective continuing education program, biomedical and clinical research and active participation at International Conferences.
  4. To be involved in community service, in quality patient care, in health policy evolution and community education.

Specific learning objectives include development of:

  1. requisite skills in obtaining a pertinent history and performing physical examination, with special regard to female pelvic organs in health and disease
  2. ability to recognize the normal, detect the abnormal, and plan an approach to diagnosis and management of common diseases in the practice of obstetrics and gynaecology
  3. competence to carry out the conduction of normal delivery and recognize abnormal and high risk labour
  4. skills for fetal and newborn evaluation
  5. ability to communicate with patients and to gain their confidence and attention, while discussing specific health problems with them
  6. comprehensive knowledge of diseases and conditions affecting human fertility and their evaluation and methods of fertility regulation
  7. ability to interpret data of hematological, biochemical, histopathological and imaging investigations commonly employed in the practice of obstetrics and gynaecology
  8. comprehensive knowledge of the use, possible abuse and adverse effects of drugs in pregnancy, as well as in pre-and post-menopausal periods
  9. comprehension of the role and functions of Health Care Team
  10. ability to appreciate the continuity of primary, secondary and tertiary health care, from peripheral clinic to hospital, hospital outpatients to ward, effectively combining inter-professional consultation and other services where necessary, and the follow-up
  11. adequate knowledge about epidemiological and preventive aspects of gynaecology and obstetrics pertaining to the sociocultural background of the patients
  12. awareness of, and sensitivity to, the religious belief and social customs in reproductive health
  13. adequate knowledge of the need and rationale of vital statistics as an instrument of medical auditing, and for the ascertainment of disease burden in the community
  14. knowledge of basic surgical practice in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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