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Expand Electron MicroscopyElectron Microscopy
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Collapse MicrobiologyMicrobiology
Expand Nuclear MedicineNuclear Medicine
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Expand PaediatricsPaediatrics
Expand PathologyPathology
Expand PharmacologyPharmacology
Expand PhysiologyPhysiology
Expand Primary CarePrimary Care
Expand PsychiatryPsychiatry
Expand RadiologyRadiology
Expand SurgerySurgery

Mission and Objectives of the Department

  1. To provide an excellent academic environment by creating state-of-the-art teaching and training facilities for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students in medical, clinical and molecular microbiology and immunology to meet the current and future challenges in the fields of infectious diseases and immunological disorders.
  2. To establish facilities for and perform front-line and internationally recognized basic and applied research in medical, clinical and molecular microbiology and immunology relevant to Kuwait and other Gulf Countries.
  3. To develop and provide state-of-the-art diagnostic and clinical services for patient care and management.
  4. To provide community services of the highest standard through consultation and organization of teaching and training workshops and conferences.

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