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Kuwait University College of Dentistry maintains a reputation of being one of the premier teaching and research facilities in the Arab World, a reputation that reflects the caliber of it's faculty and it's educational program. Education in the College of Dentistry is offered in collaboration with the other colleges of the Health Sciences Center. The dental training program at Kuwait University is a seven-year program at the end of which students are awarded the Bachelor of Dental Medicine (BDM) degree.
The Curriculum is divided into three phases, i.e. Phase I, II and III.

The Phase I consists of the first two semesters of the Preprofessional program (Health Sciences Center common year). The Phase II consists of three years and covers a foundation block, nine organ system modules and an elective. Dental students follow the same Phase I & Phase II curriculum as the medical students in the College of Medicine and will recieve the Bachelor of Medical Sciences degree (B.Med.Sc.) at the end of the Phase II program. Phase III of the program consists of three full years, which are clinical years at the end of which students are awarded the degree of Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD).


.....lists the courses of the dental program with their course number and credit hours for each semester.


The preprofessional program consists of three components:

  • General University requirements -The General University requirement,is intended to provide a broad educational background, allowing students to become aware of their society, welfare, religion and heritage.
  • English language and study skills courses -The English language and study skills course, is intended to equip the students with the communication and study skills essential to the preclinical and clinical programs.
  • Science courses -The science courses, provides the necessary foundation in science in preparation for the preclinical and clinical programs.

During the first year of their studies, students in all the Colleges of the Health Sciences Center follow a common curriculum. Admission to the Phase II program is determined by the grades obtained in the prescribed courses of the preprofessional program.


The new Phase II Curriculum is based on a student centered principle, emphasizing the need for self learning and student motivation. Nine organ system modules are covered in Phase II, namely Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Endocrine, Musculoskeletal, Nervous System, Digestive, Renal, Blood, Infection, and Immunology. In addition to the systems there will be a foundation course of four weeks at the beginning of Phase II to cover essential basic science topics, which may not be covered as part of the organ system courses. Provision is provided for the students to have electives, Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM), small group teaching, PBL sessions and early clinical exposure are salient features of the new curriculum. At the end of the successful completion of Phase II, students will proceed to the Phase III Clinical Program.


This program has both didactic and clinical components. The clinical simulation portion is designed to provide further knowledge of the handling characteristics of materials used in the clinic and to allow students to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for patient care. Students perform a series of structured patient-care simulation exercises on a mannequin, and these clinical simulation sessions run parallel to actual clinical sessions.
The clinical sessions are designed to familiarize the student with the oral environment through patient examinations and non-invasive treatment. During the first part of the clinical educational program emphasis is placed on oral diagnosis, and students become familiar with the computerized record-keeping system. During their clinical education the students are exposed to patients with various needs of increasing difficulty, and all clinical education occurs in a comprehensive dental care (CDC) clinic.
Community rotations are an integral component of the clinical education and are designed to familiarize students with the prevailing oral health care system in Kuwait. An Elective Project Study is also scheduled from the second clinical year under the direction and supervision of a mentor from the College of Dentistry or the dental community.


In the preprofessional, preclinical and clinical programs, teaching takes the form of lectures, tutorials, seminars, demonstrations, laboratory work, field studies and independent study. Some instruction will take the form of problem-based learning in which students search for information necessary to successful solutions. In the clinical program, students will first obtain proficiency in manual skills using virtual reality and mannequins. Subsequently, they will treat patients under the supervision of clinical instructors, taking more responsibility and becoming more independent as they gain clinical experience and maturity.

Masters Programs

Master of Science in Dental Materials Science

The Department of Bioclinical Sciences offers a Master of Science program in Dental Materials Science. The program is a thesis-based course. The program aims to provide the student with a fundamental knowledge of the principles in justifying selection criteria of materials and lays the groundwork for more advanced study of the composition, behavior, and manipulation instructions for all classes of materials relevant to the practice of Dentistry.

Master of Science in Oral Microbiology

This program opens the way towards building up a nidus and center of Oral Microbiology in the College of Dentistry, Health Sciences Center, Kuwait University that will serve as an expertise resource locally and internationally. This program will enable to increase the knowledge level of Oral Microbiology among dentists and graduates from other biological disciplines. Advances in the understanding of oral microbiota and oral microbe-host interactions will lead to improved possibilities to reduce the burden of oral/dental diseases.

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