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Welcome to the Department of Restorative Sciences. Department of Restorative Sciences includes three disciplines:


Etiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the dental pulp is the focus of Endodontics. Principles of contemporary concepts of instrumentation and obturation of root canals are described and reviewed in detail. The learning sessions include lectures, demonstrations and hands-on instruction in all clinical procedures relevant to the practice of endodontic therapy in a general dental practice. Students engage in simulated patient care on extracted human teeth and dental mannequins to develop psychomotor skills and knowledge of the working properties of commonly used materials.

Operative Dentistry

The course in Operative Dentistry is designed to provide pre-clinical dental students with the basic knowledge, skills and attitude required for the practice of operative dentistry. The course starts with a brief introduction to cariology, followed by a discussion of instruments used in operative dentistry. The course includes exercises in the restoration of prepared cavities on ivorine and extracted teeth with amalgam and tooth-colored restorative materials. The pathology, clinical presentation and restoration of teeth with complex cavities are discussed, followed by laboratory exercises on indirect intra-coronal restorations. In addition, the management of discolored teeth by bleaching, micro-abrasion and laminate veneers is reviewed.


Prosthodontics reviews the principles and practice of the restoration of oral function of completely or partially edentate patients with removable and fixed artificial replacements. Principles of diagnosis, assessment of individual needs, treatment planning, oral biomechanics and prosthetic design are stressed, consistent with contemporary approaches to preservation of the residual oral structures and prevention of future disease. The course also reviews the principles and practice of reconstructing carious or damaged teeth with indirect restorations. The learning sessions include lectures, demonstrations and hands-on instruction in all clinical and laboratory procedures relevant to the clinical practice of removable and fixed prosthodontics in general dental practice. Students receive instruction in the application of contemporary simulated clinical procedures on dental models and mannequins to develop psychomotor skills and knowledge of the working properties of commonly used dental materials

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