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  • To lay a comprehensive foundation in the basic health sciences, in preparation for the practice of clinical dentistry.
  • To be a platform for research and projects in the basic health sciences disciplines.
  • To act as a liaison unit between the College of Medicine and the College of Dentistry, in the education of dental and medical students in basic dental and basic medical sciences. And to integrate basic medical and dental sciences with clinical dental education practice and research.


  • To provide quality preclinical education in oral anatomy, dental materials, oral microbiology and oral neuroscience.
  • To educate and train students to carry out research and establish research programmes of international standing.
  • Provide students with an understanding of the structural and functional organization of the human body and recognize its clinical relevance.
  • Understand the general development of the embryo and especially of the orofacial region including dentition and common congenital anomalies.
  • To ensure a profound knowledge of the ecological systems and micro biota, within the oral cavity and their co-relation with development of oral diseases and antimicrobial strategies to prevent and treat them.
  • To provide a foundation in the basic principles of materials science, oral biomechanics and dental therapeutics in preparation for subsequent courses in various disciplines of dentistry.

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