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To develop effective communication skills as well as study skills that enable students to comprehend and present information effectively in the academic classroom and professional settings; and to equip students with critical thinking and listening skills related to the study and practice of medicine, and for their pursuit of life-long learning.

Learning Objectives

With a view to enhancing continuing professional development, the students will demonstrate, at the completion of the three required courses of study, measurable proficiency in four major communication areas: writing, reading, listening, and speaking.


Students will demonstrate the ability:

  • to use a broad medical and general English vocabulary in order to present ideas concisely and explicitly;
  • to convey information which is appropriately accurate and extensive enough to meet the purpose of the communication;
  • to present information in an orderly sequencing of information with logical movement from the beginning to the end.

Reading and Comprehension

Students will demonstrate:

  • A broad medical and general English language vocabulary;
  • An in-depth comprehension and interpretation of a variety of complex texts, and selected articles from professional journals and other scientific publications.


Students will demonstrate:

  • The ability to comprehend a broad medical and general English language vocabulary in order to understand concepts and information presented by the speaker;
  • A competent use of a variety of listening strategies, such as listening for vocal cues and observing the speaker's use of body language to derive meaning and the ability to differentiate between the main and subordinate ideas;
  • Competence to take notes that include main and subordinate ideas along with pertinent supporting details.


Students will demonstrate the ability:

  • to use a broad medical and general English vocabulary in order to present ideas concisely and explicitly;
  • to convey information which is appropriately precise, accurate and extensive enough to meet the purpose of effective communication;
  • the ability to present information in an orderly sequencing of information with logical movement from the beginning to the end.

Continuing Professional Development

Having acquired requisite proficiency in writing, reading, listening and speaking, the student will demonstrate:

  • Library use skills
  • Internet research skills
  • Referencing skills

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