Inductor AC Response

Contribution to
complex impedance
Phasor diagram

You know that the voltage across an inductor leads the current because the Lenz' law behavior resists the buildup of the current, and it takes a finite time for an imposed voltage to force the buildup of current to its maximum.


Capacitance concepts

Inductance concepts

AC Circuits
HyperPhysics***** Electricity and Magnetism R Nave
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Inductive Reactance

The frequency dependent impedance of an inductor is called inductive reactance.

This calculation works by clicking on the desired quantity in the expression below. Enter the necessary data and then click on the quantity you wish to calculate. Default values will be entered for unspecified quantities, but all quantities may be changed.

Impedance = Angular frequency x Inductance

For = x10^ H = mH = microHenries
at angular frequency = x10^ rad/s
and frequency = x10^ Hz = kHz = MHz

the inductive reactance is

XL = x10^ ohms = kohms = Megohms
AC behavior of inductor

Capacitance concepts

Inductance concepts

AC Circuits
HyperPhysics***** Electricity and Magnetism R Nave
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