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Medical Laboratory Sciences offers opportunities for those interested in biological and chemical sciences, leading to a career in the health service or in research. Medical laboratory scientists are professionals who perform laboratory tests and analyses that assist physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of pa­tients. They also assist in research and the development of new laboratory tests. The various studies include chemical and physical analysis of body fluids (clinical chemistry and urinalysis); examina­tion of blood and its component cells (haematology); isolation and identification of bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites (clinical microbiology and parasitology); testing of blood serum for antibod­ies indicative of specific diseases (immunology and serology) and collection, storage of blood, pre­transfusion testing and other immunohaematological procedures (blood banking). In addition, medical laboratory scientists prepare tissues for histopathological, cytological and cytogenetic examination. They must know the theory and scientific fundamentals as well as the procedures for test­ing. Medical laboratory scientists work in hospital clinical laboratories, medical schools, research institutions, public health agencies and related organizations.


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