Concrete Drill

Sitting in a faculty office during a quarter break, enjoying the quiet, a faculty member was launched about a meter into the air by the sudden sound of a loud concrete drill directly above his office. After a brief and loud burst, there was again quiet for long enough for him to settle down to work and then another sudden loud burst of noise. After several such episodes removed the possibility of concentration, he decided to measure the sound and collected the following data:

A Contour
Flat to 20 kHz
Drill on
58 dBA
68 dB
34 dBA
64 dB
Excess over bkg.
24 dBA

Hearing concepts

Sound level measurement

Sound measurement examples
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Analysis, Concrete Drill Sound

Sound measurement in decibels inside of buildings can be so misleading as to be worthless since it gives equal weighting to low frequency building sounds to which the human ear has minimal response. This example shows that the use of an A Contour filter gives a much better representation of what the ear hears. Besides the conceptual difference between sound loudness and sound intensity, this example employs the idea of the just noticeable difference in sound level.

Statement of example

Hearing concepts

Sound level measurement

Sound measurement examples
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Fire Alarm Measurement

Periodic testing of the fire alarm in the physics building provided the opportunity for measurement of the sound level with different filter contours. Measurements were made inside a faculty office down the hall from the alarm. The following data was collected:

A Contour
Flat to 20 kHz
Fire Alarm on
65 dBA
71 dB
38 dBA
70 dB
Excess over bkg.
27 dBA
1 dB

Hearing concepts

Sound level measurement

Sound measurement examples
  HyperPhysics***** Sound Go Back

Analysis, Fire Alarm Sound

Sound measurement in decibels inside of buildings can be so misleading as to be worthless since it gives equal weighting to low frequency building sounds to which the human ear has minimal response. This example shows that the use of an A Contour filter gives a much better representation of what the ear hears. Besides the conceptual difference between sound loudness and sound intensity, this example employs the ideas of the just noticeable difference in sound level and the "rule of thumb" for adding loudness.

Statement of example

Hearing concepts

Sound level measurement

Sound measurement examples
  HyperPhysics***** Sound Go Back