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Kuwait Pharmacy Bulletin


Job Title Basic Salary Annual Increment Professional Allowance Occupational Allowance Social Allowance
Min Max KD No. Non Clin Clin Non Clin Clin Kuwaiti Non-Kuwaiti
Single Married Single Married

1140 1300 20 8 1085 1425 660 1300 268 368 65 147
Associate Professor 920 1080 20 8 820 1260 460 1030 253 353 65 147
Assistant Professor 745 905 20 8 700 1170 320 830 240 338 65 147
Additional Allowances
Housing Allowance
Married: KD 500
Single: KD 400
Furnishing Allowance (Paid only once)
Married: KD 4500
Single: KD 3500
Children Social Allowance
Kuwaiti: Will be eligible for same social allowance as civil servants
Non-Kuwaiti: KD 10 monthly per child for a maximum of six children

School tuition fees will be paid for a maximum of three children studying in Kuwait, starting from primary until the end of secondary education.
Annual Tickets (for employee and family)
Professors: Business Class
Others: Economy Class
Scientific Mission
Once per year
Depending on place of conference amount paid will be:

North & South America, Australia and Far East.
Europe and North West Africa.
Middle East & GCC Countries, Iran and Yemen.
KD 2500
KD 2000
KD 1200

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