
When pHa (arterial blood pH) differs from 7.4 +/- 0.02 (or the [H+] differs from 40 +/- 2 nEq/L) there occurs acidemia (pHa < 7.38, [H+] > 42 nEq/L) or alkalemia (pHa   > 7.42,  [H+] < 38 nEq/L).

If the pHa change is due primarily to a change in PaCO2, there is respiratory acidosis (PaCO2 > 42 mmHg) or respiratory alkalosis (PaCO2 < 38 mmHg).

When the pHa change is due primarily to a change in [HCO3-] from its normal value of 24 mM, there is metabolic acidosis ([HCO3-] < 22 mM) or metabolic alkalosis ([HCO3-] > 26 mM).

Note-emia refers to changes in blood;  acidosis and alkalosis refer to pathophysiologic processes that lead to pH changes in blood

(A) Metabolic acidosis: pH < 7.38; HCO3- < 22 mM; PaCO2 1 mmHg decrease per 1 mM decrease in HCO3- (acute or chronic)


Metabolic acidosis is the most frequent acid-base imbalance and may be due to:

(1) Extrarenal loss of bicarbonate, with hyperchloremia and increased urinary excretion of NH4+ (evident as high urinary cation gap:   [Cl-] - [Na+] - [K+] >> 0)

(2) Urinary loss of HCO3- (alkaline urine, with high bicarbonate, and little NH4+ and thus no urine cation gap)

(3) Accumulation of organic anions (lactacidosis, ketoacidosis) with large plasma anion gap (due to organic anions, [Na+]+[K+]-[Cl-]-[HCO3-]>>15), abundant urinary NH4+ but no urinary cation gap (NH4+ is excreted with organic anions so that there is a large urinary osmolar gap: Uosm - 2([Na+]+[K+]) - [urea] - [glucose] >>0. Only lactacidosis can develop in minutes (as in shock).

(4) Decreased kidney production of HCO3- (hyperchloremia, no plasma anion gap, and low urinary excretion of ammonium, (urinary cation gap =0); severe chronic renal failure may result in metabolic acidosis with increased plasma anion gap (due to high plasma [Pi]) and low urinary NH4+ excretion.


(1) Immediate buffering by reaction with ECF HCO3- represents ~40% of rapid (~2 hrs) buffering of acid. HCl + NaHCO3 => NaCl+ H2CO3 + CO2 + H2O

(2) Respiratory compensation. A low pHa stimulates VA, so PaC02 decreases minimizing the decrease in pHa.  For each 1 mM decrease in [HCO3-] a 1 mmHg drop in PaC02 is expected.

Note:  Because of respiratory compensation for metabolic acidosis, PaCO2 is expected to be below its normal range or (PaCO2 < 38 mmHg).  If , because of disease, there is no respiratory compensation, then PaCO2 will be normal or elevated, and the respiratory system is contributing to the acidemia (see Respiratory Acidosis below)..

(3) Tissue phase.  Entry of H+ into cells accounts for ~60% of rapid (~2 h) buffering of poorly permeable acids (HCl or H2SO4). This phase is capable of buffering 100% of the acid by 24 h, and is due to the following ion exchanges and buffering of H+ by cell proteins and HCO3-:

(a) Na+ in the ICF for H+ from the ECF;  occurs in most tissues including bone; accounts for 65% of the entry of protons into the ICF (and bone).

(b) ICF K+ for ECF H+; accounts for 25% of the entry of H+ into the ICF. May result in hyperkalemia (6-7 mEq/L) that affects muscle and nerve cells and induces cardiac arrythmias.

(c) ECF Cl- for ICF HC03-; accounts for 10% of the ICF buffering of H+; reduces ICF HC03- and intracellular pH;   occurs mostly in red cells where Hb buffers excess H+.

(4) Renal phase.  Generation of bicarbonate through urinary excretion of ammonium and titratable acids, restores the depleted cell HCO3- and buffer base reserves over 2-3 days. Manifest only in chronic stage.

(B) Metabolic alkalosis: pHa > 7.42; [HCO3-] > 26 mM; PaCO2 0.75 mmHg increase for each 1 mM increase in [HCO3-] (chronic or acute)


(1) Loss of gastric juice (vomiting, suction)

(2) Side effect of diuretics and other forms of ECFV contraction.

(3) Hyperaldosteronism of volume depletion promotes renal H+ secretion, generation and retention of HCO3-.

(4) In hypokalemia, K+ shifts out of cells in exchange for H+, inducing extracellular alkalosis and intracellular acidosis.


(1) Respiratory.  As pHa increases, VA is depressed and PaCO2 increases (PaCO2 > 42 mmHg). This normalizes blood pH but is limited by ensuing hypoxia. For each 1 mM rise in HCO3- there is expected a 0.75 mmHg rise in PaCO2;  if this does not occur, there is a respiratory tendency to alkalosis.

(2) Cell ionic exchanges.  Some 25% of the bicarbonate load is neutralized by H+ derived from intracellular buffers that exchange the H+ for extracellular Na+.  In addition, ~2% of extracellular HCO3- enters red cells in exchange for Cl-.

(3) Metabolic. Increases in endogenous organic acid production neutralize ~5 % of an acute HCO3load. High pHa increases production of lactic and citric acids which decrease [HCO3-]. High blood pH stimulates glycolysis and inhibits the citric acid cycle.

(4) Renal excretion of HCO3- rises when its concentration in plasma increases. Lowering of [HCO3-]pl is limited by high renal reabsorption rate stimulated by high PaCO2, by ECF volume contraction, by hyperaldosteronism, by K+ depletion, and by hypochloremia. These tend to perpetuate the high [HCO3-]pl. Beta-intercalated cells in CCD secrete bicarbonate, increasing its urinary excretion.

(C) Respiratory alkalosis: pH > 7.44; PaCO2 < 38 mm Hg; [HCO3-] decreases (<24 mM) by 0.5 mM (chronic) or 0.1 mM (acute) per each 1 mmHg drop in PaC02

Cause:  Alveolar hyperventilation (altitude, hysteria, aspirin excess)


(1) Cell buffers.  In the acute state there is a 0.1 mM decrease in [HCO3-] for each mmHg decrease in PaCO2. This decrease is due to enhanced dissociation of H+ from cell buffers when the [H+]i decreases due to the low PaCO2. Cell H+ exchange for ECF Na+ and K+ and react with the ECF HCO3-, reducing its concentration. Some extracellular HCO3- enters cells in exchange for Cl- and is titrated by H+ dissociating from the cell buffers.

In the chronic state, there is a 0.5 mM decrease in [HCO3-] for each one mmHg decrease in PaCO2. This is due to:

(2) Renal compensation due to increased HCO3- excretion associated with the low PaCO2, which decreases HCO3- reabsorption. Urinary excretion of NH4+ and titratable acid are  transiently reduced, leading to accumulation of metabolic and dietary acids which help reduce ECF [HCO3-] ([HCO3-] < 22 mM). Eventually urinary HCO3- excretion ceases and excretion of NH4+ and titratable acid resumes.

(3) Metabolic compensation by increased production of lactic and citric acids that react with and reduce [HCO3-]ecf

(D) Respiratory acidosis: pH < 7.38; PaC02 > 42 mm Hg; [HCO3-] increases (>24 mM) by 0.25 mM (chronic) or 0.05 mM (acute) per each 1 mmHg rise in PaC02

Cause: Alveolar hypoventilation


(1) Fast cell ion exchanges.  An acute small rise in [HCO3-]pl is due to exchange of ECF H+ for ICF (or bone) Na+ (37%) or for ICF K+ (13%) and to exchange of ECF Cl- for ICF (red cells) HCO3- (30%). These rapid ionic exchanges are associated with CO2 buffering by intracellular proteins. For each 1 mmHg increment in PaCO2 there is a small acute 0.05 mM increment in HCO3-.

(2) Metabolic.  Reduced production of lactic acid contributes about 5% to the acute increase in [HCO3-]pl.

(3) Renal. Increased HCO3- reabsorption stimulated by high PaCO2 prevents urinary loss of bicarbonate.
In the transition to the chronic stage (1-3 days), enhanced renal NH4+, and titratable acid excretion contribute to further increase [HCO3-] in ECF and ICF above normal ([HCO3-] > 26 mM), returning pH towards normal. As the pH stimulus decreases, renal NH4+ and titratable acid excretion subside. Renal reabsorption of bicarbonate remains elevated as long as the PaCO2 is high.

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