Amino Acids with Hydrocarbon R-groups

Amino acids are organic compounds which contain both an amino group and a carboxyl group. They are distinguished by the attached functional group R.

Of the twenty amino acids that make up proteins, six of them have hydrocarbon R-groups . The simplest of the amino acids, glycine, has just a hydrogen atom in the position of the R-group.

Acid or base

* Amino acids which are essential amino acids which cannot be made by the human body and, therefore, must be obtained in the diet.


Biochemical concepts

Chemistry concepts

Tillery, Enger and Ross
Ch 14
HyperPhysics*****Chemistry R Nave
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Amino Acids with Neutral R-groups

Amino acids are organic compounds which contain both an amino group and a carboxyl group. They are distinguished by the attached functional group R.

Of the twenty amino acids that make up proteins, seven of them have neutral R-groups :

Acid or base

* Amino acids which are essential amino acids which cannot be made by the human body and, therefore, must be obtained in the diet.


Biochemical concepts

Chemistry concepts

Tillery, Enger and Ross
Ch 14
HyperPhysics*****Chemistry R Nave
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Amino Acids with Acid or Base R-groups

Amino acids are organic compounds which contain both an amino group and a carboxyl group. They are distinguished by the attached functional group R.

Of the twenty amino acids that make up proteins, six of them have acid or base R-groups . Compare with the simplest of the amino acids, glycine, which has only H as an R-group.

Acid or base

* Amino acids which are essential amino acids which cannot be made by the human body and, therefore, must be obtained in the diet.


Biochemical concepts

Chemistry concepts

Tillery, Enger and Ross
Ch 14
HyperPhysics*****Chemistry R Nave
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