
The mineral fluorite, CaF2, occurs in forms which are hard and brilliant enough to be made into gems. These examples of fluorite are on display at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. The gems at left are 57.8 and 99.8 carats and are from South Africa.

These fluorite gems are 354.1 and 492.1carats and are from Korea.

Fluorite crystals typically range in color from blue to violet. Gems of size 86.9 and 118.5 carats from Hardin County, Illinois.

At left is a 348.3 carat gem from Korea. At right are 12.9 and 48.4 carat gems from Goschenertal, Uri, Switzerland.

A 234.6 carat gem from Tanzania.

A 107.8 carat gem from Mexico.

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