Point Charge Electric Fields and Voltages

Point charge electric fields can be combined by vector addition to give a net electric field. Their voltages can just be added since voltage is a scalar quantity.

At the designated field point:
P: [,] m

a source charge
= x10^ C
at position x=, y= m
will produce an electric field
E1x = x10^N/C,
E1y = x 10^N/C
and a voltage
V1 =x 10^ V

A second source charge
= x 10^ C
at position x=, y= m
will produce an electric field
E2x = x10^N/C,
E2y = x 10^N/C
and a voltage
V2 =x 10^ V

The resultant electric field at point P is the vector sum of the fields:

Ex = x10^, Ey = x10^N/C ,
or E = x10^ N/C at angle degrees.

The resultant voltage is simply the sum of the individual voltages:

V = V1 + V2 = x10^V

You may enter data for the sources and their locations, or you may click on one of the supplied examples at left and then modify the parameters.

Discussion of electric field geometrySetup of calculation
Voltage for multiple point charges

Electric field

Electric field concepts
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