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Poster Instructions

Poster Dimension:

  • Poster board size will be 115cm in width by 135 cm in height.


  • Header (Title, author name(s), department)
  • Introduction
  • Purpose
  • Methodology
    • Participants
    • Instruments
    • Design
    • Procedure
  • Results
    • Preferably as graphs and/or tables
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • References

Professional Posters Presentation

  • Use at least a 24-point font so the poster can be easily read from 1-2 meters
  • Do not use contrasting vibrant colors. Dark words on light background are easier to read.
  • Use no more than three colors preferably black, navy blue, and brow
  • Have enough white space. Too much text without some breaks for pictures, tables, or graphs makes for a very boring and tedious poster.
  • Easier to read when using Arial, Tahoma, Comic Sans Relief font.
  • Have handouts available with your name and department.
  • Use lower case letters.
  • Be sure to pick out key terms and critical point. Do not make your poster looking like an article.

How to present your Poster" presentation by Dr Mohammad Nadar

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