1.      gender (n.) الجنس – sex (male or female)

The doctor noted the patient’s gender.

2.      generate (v.)  يولد ، ينتج – produce, create, cause

The process generates heat.

3.      generation (n.) جيل – age group

Most teenagers complain that their parents’ generation doesn’t understand them.

4.      give free rein to (v. expression) يعطي حرية التصرف – permit (to give someone complete freedom to do whatever he or she wants)

Najeeba was given free reign to operate the clinic.

5.      give free rein to (v. expression) يعطي حرية التصرف – to allow an emotion or feeling to be expressed freely

He gave free rein to his imagination. 

6.      glance (n.), glance (v.) يلمح – quick look

The dentist glanced at her watch.

7.      gradually (adv.) تدريجياً - progressively

The disease gradually worsened.

8.      grotesque (adj.)  غريب، مشوه – bizarre, misshapen

The baby’s head was grotesque because of the swelling.

9.      hint (v.), hint (n.)  ملاحظة  – imply, suggest

This discovery hints at a cure for the disease.

10.  humanity (n.) الإنسانية – all the people in the world thought of as a group; the human race

It was a crime against humanity.

11.  humanity (n.) الإنسانية – the quality of being kind and understanding

The prisoners were treated with humanity.

12.  hypothesize (v.), hypothesis (n.), hypothetical (adj.), hypothetically (adv.) يفترض – speculate, theorize

Scientists hypothesize  that a mutant gene causes the disease.

13.  imagination (n.), imagine (v.)  يتخيل– the ability to form ideas and pictures in your mind

Autistic individuals have limited imagination.

14.  impair (v.), impairment (n.), impaired (adj.)  يفسد– damage, harm, weaken

The blood clot may impair his chance of survival.

15.  individual (n.) فرد – person, human being

An individual suffering from plague usually dies.

16.  individual (adj.) فردي – single

The scientist examined each individual sample under a microscope.

17.  inflammation (n.) التهاب – redness, irritation

The doctor prescribed a soothing lotion for my inflammation.

18.  inflame (v.), inflammation (n.), inflamed (adj.) – redden, irritate

Some cosmetics inflame the skin.

19.  informal (adj.) غير رسمي – casual

Informal language is not used in scientific writing.

20.  inherited (adj.), inherit (v.), inheritance (n.) يرث

Hemophilia is an inherited disease.

21.  initial (adj.) ابتدائي، أولى – first, early

Initial symptoms are wheezing and coughing.

22.  instantaneously (adv.) فوريا – immediately, directly

Becoming a pharmacist does not occur instantaneously; you must study for many years before you graduate.

23.  intake (n.) يأخذ – ingestion

An intake of junk food will result in obesity.

24.  intended (adj.), intend (v.), intention (n.), intentionally (adv.) مقصود – planned for, meant for

The intended purpose of the drug is to relieve pain.

25.  intensive (adj.), intensively (adv.) كثيف ، مركز - concentrated

The course was only for a week, so it was very intensive.

26.  intoxicated (adj.)  سكران – drunk, inebriated

He was intoxicated from the alcohol.

27.  invade (v.), invasion (n.) يغزو – attack, assault

When disease-causing germs invade a person's body, he or she may become ill.

28.  invariably (adv.) ثابت – always, habitually, consistently, customarily, regularly

He invariably comes late.

29.  irritant (n.) مثير – the cause of an irritation

I’m not sure what the irritant is that is causing the rash on my skin.

30.  irritated (adj.), irritate (v.), irritation (n.) مثار، مهاج - inflamed

The boy’s irritated arm caused him intense pain.

31.  island (n.) جزيرة – isle, atoll

The island is located in the Caribbean.