1.                  accelerate (v.) يعجل , acceleration (n.), accelerated (adj.) – speed up

By adding this chemical, we accelerate the process.

2.                  address (v.) يوجه – focus on, concentrate on

We need to address the need for a cure for this disease.

3.                  affect (v.) يؤثر في – to influence

Eating too much candy will affect your weight.

4.                  anxiety (n.), anxious (adj.), anxiously (adv.) قلق

He is suffering from anxiety.

5.                  apparatus جهاز (n.) – device, piece of equipment, gadget, tool

The astronauts have special breathing apparatus.

6.                  application (n.), apply (v.) applied (adj.) a. spread on; b. استعمال - use

i.        An application of sunscreen on your skin before you go out in the sun will prevent sunburn.

ii.       One application of the program is that it can be used by physicists.

7.                  apply (v.), application (n.) يضع  – put on, apply, rub on, spread over

Apply the cream all over your skin.

8.                  area (n.) – region, part منطقه

He was suffering from pain in the area near his heart.

9.                  assemble (v.) يركب  – put together, construct

The worker assembled the new machine.

10.              aspect (n.) مظهر – quality

HIV can be defined according to three aspects: cause, symptoms, and treatment.

11.              attach (v.), attachment (n.) يرفق  – fasten, append, connect

Attach your photograph to your application.

12.              basic (adj.) أساسي – essential, fundamental, necessary

Food is a basic human need.

13.              beaker (n.) كوب صيدلي – a glass container used in laboratories for pouring liquids

The beaker contained a liquid.

14.              blister (n.) بثرة – sore

My new shoes caused a blister on my heel.

15.              blistering (n.), blister (v.) يتقرح، يبثر

The acid resulted in an area of blistering on his hand.

16.              bond (v.), bond (n.)   يتماسك– adhere, attach, become firmly fixed together

It takes less than 10 seconds for the two papers to bond.

17.              branch off (v. phrase)   يتفرع – separate

The bronchi branch off into bronchioles.

18.              called (adj.), call (v.) يسمى – termed, named

A special tool, called a gastroscope, is used to perform a gastroscopy.

19.              carrier (n.), carry (v.) حامل ( مرض ، شيء) – transmitter

Fleas are carriers of the Y. pestis bacterium.

20.              catch (v.) يصاب – contract, become infected with

He caught a cold.

21.              chief (adj.) رئيس – principal, foremost, leading

The chief reason for attending school is to acquire knowledge.

22.              choke up (v.) يخنق – fill with tears

He choked up when he heard the bad news.

23.              chronic (adj.) مزمن – unable to be cured

He suffers from chronic arthritis.

24.              circular (adj.) مستدير

He moved his arms in a circular motion.

25.              clump (n.), clump (v.) مجموعة أشجار – bunch, cluster, mass

The ball was lost in a clump of trees.

26.              cognitive (adj.) مفكر – related to the process of knowing, thinking, and learning

Cognitive skills are important for students.

27.              collaborate (v.), collaboration (n.), collaborative (adj.), collaboratively (adv.)  يشترك - work together, pool resources

Faisal and Abdulaziz collaborated on the project.

28.              collaboratively (adv.) يتعاون - jointly

Faisal and Abdulaziz worked on the project collaboratively.

29.              collaborator (n.) زميل – colleague, coworker

Faisal and Abdulaziz are collaborators on the project.

30.              combat (v.) يصارع – try to stop, try to reduce, try to defeat

The doctor used a new drug to combat the effects of the common cold.

31.              commence (v.) يبدأ – begin, start

We commenced our studies in September.

32.              common (adj.) a. عادي, b. مشترك

i.        Kuwaitis and Saudis share a common language.

ii.       Measles used to be a common childhood disease.

33.              communicable (adj.) قابل للنقل أو الإبلاغ

Measles is a communicable disease.

34.              complex (adj.) معقد – complicated, intricate

Brain surgery is a very complex procedure.

35.              complicated (adj.) – complex

This is a complicated question.

36.              complication (n.) مضاعفه – an added difficulty; one disease superimposed on another disease without being specifically related yet affecting or modifying the prognosis of the original disease

One complication of the measles can be pneumonia.

37.              confer (v.) يمنح – give, bestow

His father conferred the name Bader on him.

38.              congenital (n.) خلقي

The baby was born with a congenital birth defect.

39.              constant (adj.) ثابت – steady, unvarying

The mixture must be kept at a constant temperature.

40.              contain (v.) يحتوي – hold, be full of

The glass contained water.

41.              continual (adj.), continually (adv.) مستمر – repeated, persistent, repetitive

The teacher asked him to stop his continual chatter.

42.              contract (v.) يعدي – become infected with, catch

He contracted leprosy while he was living in India.

43.              controversy (n.), controversial (adj.) مناقشه – debate, argument

There was a controversy over whether we should go or stay.

44.              convert (v.), conversion (n.), converted (adj.) يحول – changed, transformed

The water was converted into steam.

45.              convey (v.) ينقل – transmit

The disease is conveyed to humans by infected mice.

46.              crucial (adj.), crucially (adv.) مهم جدا – vital, critical, key

Receiving prompt treatment is crucial if the patient is to live.

47.              culminate (v.), culmination (n.) ينهي، يبلغ أقصى حد – end in

Hodgkin’s disease eventually culminates in death.